10 Inspirational Quotes by Nelson Mandela That Motivate Me Daily

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"True greatness lies not in avoiding failure, but in rising each time we stumble."

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"Courage isn't the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. It's about facing challenges head-on."

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"Education holds the power to transform societies and shape the future."

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"What seems impossible at first becomes achievable through perseverance."

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"Judge me not by my successes, but by how I've faced adversity and persisted."

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"Freedom isn't just about breaking chains; it's about respecting others' freedoms."

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"Optimism fuels progress. It's about facing challenges while keeping sight of brighter days."

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"Our achievements are shaped more by what we make of our opportunities than by what we're given."

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"I value friends with independent minds; they broaden our perspectives."

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"True leaders are willing to make sacrifices for the greater good of their people."

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